Description from Yaesu:
The FT-897D is a rugged, innovative, multiband, multimode portable transceiver for the amateur radio MF/HF/VHF/UHF bands. Providing coverage of the 160-10 meter bands plus the 6 m, 2 m, and 70 cm bands, the FT-897 includes operation on the SSB, CW, AM, FM, and Digital modes, and it's capable of 20-Watt portable operation using internal batteries, or up to 100 Watts when using an external 13.8-volt DC power source.
Achieving 100 Watts of power output from such a compact package is a difficult mechanical and electrical engineering task. On HF, push-pull 2SC5125 Bipolar transistors driven by push-pull 2SK2975s provide the 100-Watt power capability, while on VHF maximum efficiency during battery operation is yielded by 2SC3102 bipolar PA transistors. The rugged aluminum die-cast chassis provides a solid foundation for the heat sink for the power amplifier, with a total of almost 40 cubic inches of heat sink surface area available. With its thermostatically-controlled twin cooling fans, the FT-897 will stand up to the rigors of DX-pedition or home contest use, with dissipation capability to spare!
The FT-897 includes a wide array of analog and DSP filters to help you dig out those weak DX signals on a crowded band! One-touch activation of the DSP filters, plus a convenient "DSP" LED on the front panel, enhance the ease of using the DSP. DSP Bandpass Filters, Noise Reduction,a nd Auto-Notch Filter circuits are included.


I use the FT-897 as a base station, but also plan on taking it with me camping, using an Ozi-pole dipole antenna which I am construction. It will also be used for packet radio, once I finish building the interface.

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